quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2012

trecho de carta de J B Say para Malthus

"Since the time of Adam Smith, political economists have agreed that we do not in reality buy the objects we consume, with the money or circulating coin which we pay for them. We must in the first place have bought this money itself by the sale of productions of our own. To the proprietor of the mines whence this money is obtained, it is a production with which he purchases such commodities as he may have occasion for: to all those into whose hands this money afterwards passes, it is only the price of the productions which they have themselves created by means of their lands, capital, or industry. In selling these, they exchange first their productions for money; and they afterwards exchange this money for objects of consumption. It is then in strict reality with their productions that they make their purchases; it is impossible for them to buy any articles whatever to a greater amount than that which they have produced either by themselves, or by means of their capitals and lands."

Ou será que basta somente imprimir o reais e quem trabalhou por seu dólar, digamos, trocará de boa vontade e parelhamente um pelo outro?

Um comentário:

Diogo F disse...

Hehe bala. No mais, depois dá uma ouvida naquele podcast com o TYLER COWEN e me diz o que achou. Ele chegou a entrevistar o MILTON FRIEDMAN tb. Tô pra ouvir.