terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011

MISES DAILY, 3O DE JUNHO, "How Blessed Is the State That Thus Destroyeth the Car"

MISES DAILY, 3O DE JUNHO, "How Blessed Is the State That Thus Destroyeth the Car", escrito por Jeffrey A. Tucker. O contexto é a luta contra o carro em favor do "environment", como se carros NÃO fossem algo que utilizamos por alguma lógica, fossem SOMENTE desperdício.
"The problem with "urban planners" — as Jane Jacobs saw — is that they do not think of people as individuals with interests who act according to their own plans with a resulting spontaneous order that makes cities great. Instead, they want to plan with a bird's-eye view of the place and force everyone to comply whether it makes people miserable or not. In the worst case, these planners are secretly horrified by the sight of millions of people living well and doing their own thing, and, like Chairman Mao, cry out for what they believe should be a more orderly system.
Armed with the power of the contemporary state — which is destroying prosperity and civilizational advance because, as it turns out, doing this is the only thing it is good at — the urban planners are accomplishing their goal, but to what end? Is reversing a century of progress a good way to make life better? The planners think so, because they have a different idea of what life should be like. They want the city to be more like an ant farm than a place for choosing, dreaming, and accomplishing. The static existence of workers and peasants under communism seems much more to their liking."

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